Into the Lantern, Maine Maritime Museum (2017)An immersive installation at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath, Maine.
Into the Lantern is a collaborative installation by me and Christoph Gelfand/True Life Media featuring: a sweeping panoramic timelapse filmed at the top of the east tower of the Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, a documentary film about lighthouse keepers past and present (KEEPER documentary), and the Portland Pilots. And audio stories by Caroline Losneck featured in "the lighthouse keeper's house" in the installation featuring the often-hidden history of the role of women lighthouse keepers featuring lighthouse expert Elinor DeWire, a modern day lighthouse keeper (Tony Robb, USCG Lighthouse technician), and some voices of Maine's commercial fisherman about modern navigation and lighthouses. |
HOME/RESILIENCE (2015)A documentary installation about aging, wisdom, and home which debuted at the historic Augusta Colonial Theater in downtown Augusta, Maine. We made a little video about the renovation of the Augusta Colonial Theater, too.
Fyke Tide (2013)An immersive documentary, Fyke Tide is a collaborative installation with Christoph Gelfand (True Life Media). Fyke Tide debuted as part of the 2013 Camden International Film Festival (CIFF). Documentation of the elver (baby eel fishery) with audio, canoes, hundreds of pounds of fish nets.
The Last Smelt Shack (2014)A recreated smelt shack - made from reclaimed materials - for the APPEARANCES Festival in Provincetown, MA. Collaboration with Kelly Rioux and Chris Byron.
CHATTERMARK (by Shoshannah White)
As part of Maine-based photographer Shoshannah White's project CHATTERMARK, I was honored to produce a short audio piece called ICE CORE, MEMORY OF THE PLANET (2017) 5 mins14 seconds.
ICE CORE, MEMORY OF THE PLANET is based on an interview with Paul Mayewski, Director of the Climate Change Institute at University of Maine. Aside from being a badass explorer, Mayewski has led 55 expeditions to some of the remotest polar and high altitude reaches of the planet-and he says humans are profoundly changed the planet in major ways. Shoshannah's CHATTERMARK project is a street-art initiative bringing imagery of the Arctic and melting glacial ice to the streets of Maine by injecting imagery of a continually changing Polar landscape into the busy rush of daily life as a reminder of new landscapes resulting from human impact, and a connection/disconnection we have with the world around us. Images are printed at mural scale and adhered to public, exterior walls with an all-natural binder meant to disintegrate with time and weather. This piece was installed in downtown Rockland, Maine. |